Get me out of here!

You should have never come here

You should have never come here

You should have never come here

You should have never come here

You should have never come here
You should have never come here

Shrek is green. He is a good father who lives in a swamp. He is an ogre. Shrek is a green ogre. His best friend is a donkey. Ogres are like onions; they have layers and they make you cry. Shrek is a movie star from the documentary film Shrek made by Dreamworks in 2001. This film is on the National Film Registry of the Library of Congress of the United States. He could probably dunk on you.

Shrek's physical appearance

Shrek has a bald head and a killer jawline. He has green skin and divine ears. They make it easier for him to hear prey.

Shrek looking like shocked Walter White